Thursday, April 24, 2008

Taiko Drum Festival

Another of the many festivals during the spring time here in Japan is the Narita-san Taiko Drum Festival.

As with any Japanese Festival, it was, of course, crowded!

As we walked through the city streets, there were numerous Taiko groups performing - groups of all ages. Here are a group of adolescent kids.

Notice the youg adult girl in the middle here - all that drumming really builds up their muscles - look at the old dude playing the flute behind her!

This drum was pretty cool - check out that mask!

Although this wasn't a traditional Taiko Drum, it was still my favorite - this Hokie can't resist anything that's Orange & Maroon!

The Grand Finale came at nite, at the main temple. The giant Taiko Drum in the middle was SO LOUD - when they hit it, you could feel the reverberation throughout the city - it was awesome! The number '1070' above the doors behind the drummers denotes the year the temple was originally built.

And finally, here's a video to give you an actual sense of how cool this festival really was!


Anonymous said...

Ohhh mannn that was awesome!

-Little Sis