Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Just Because

Last night my husband surprised me with some 'just because' flowers! I love getting flowers for any reason, but especially when they're the 'Just because I love you' kind. I felt a little guilty for getting them though because normally he would be coming home to me making last minute touches to a made-from-scratch, low sodium dinner. But I was just exhausted yesterday afternoon so instead of making dinner, I decided to take a quick nap, which turned into a long nap. He came home to me sleeping soundly in bed. And then I made him heat up leftovers for his dinner while I made myself some mac'n'cheese from a box. Martha Stewart I was not yesterday.


Bill said...

Now you know how I fell everyday! As many days as you "lay out" of cooking; that is as many days as I actually cook.

The flowers are beautiful!