Monday, November 21, 2011

Nearly All Caught Up Now

During my unintended blog hiatus, I would try to keep Grace's fans- the grandparents- happy by taking the random pictures taken on my phone and uploading them into Facebook. It was the best I could do at the time, but it still kind of felt like cheating. So I'm glad I'm nearly all caught up now and can get back to documenting our daily family stories on the blog. Here's the last of the random things we've been up to...

Grace has mastered the art of winking after trying for months now.
She jumped in puddles.
And fell in puddles.
She built a rainy day clubhouse.
And spent an evening relaxing.
On our morning walks, she looks for dandelions so she can make dandelion wishes.
We went to the Jacksonville Fair where she pet cute, fluffy animals,
rode carnival rides with Daddy,

and won a prize that was bigger than herself.
Taming an alligator at an ice cream shop.
It's a good thing she learned how to tame an alligator, too, because we went to a party where an alligator showed up as an uninvited guest. Only in Florida!
I know it's inevitable, my girl getting hit on by boys. I just didn't think it would happen so early. This sweet little boy was smitten with Grace and when she climbed into the bouncy house where he was bouncing, he stopped and said, "Awww, you're so beautiful!"


Meagan said...

Cute pictures! Soooo glad you're back!