Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Things that Ail Me at 25 Weeks

Before I was pregnant, I had these notions that pregnancy was going to be a breeze and all those common pregnancy complaints wouldn't be a concern for me...I wouldn't succumb to any morning sickness, I would only gain the recommended amount of baby weight- and only in my belly, and as cute as the pregnancy 'waddle walk' is on other women, I wasn't going to end up walking like that.

Oh, how very wrong I was. At 25 weeks, I still have bouts of morning sickness, though rarer than before. I surpassed my weight gain limit a week and a half ago and last night when my dear husband carried me to bed because I fell asleep on the sofa, we almost got stuck in the doorway of the bedroom because my enlarging butt got caught in the door frame. And I'm definitely starting the waddle walk- ALREADY! I didn't even think you started the waddle walk until the very end of your pregnancy, but here I am at 6 months along and walking around like a little duckling.

And that's not even all of it...I was told by my doctor that the hip pain I've been feeling is due to loosening ligaments that should go away by 28 weeks, but could last as long as the entire pregnancy. I now have a numb and tingling right hand which makes doing even the simplest things like eating, writing, and brushing your teeth a challenge. My wedding rings are starting to get uncomfortably tight, but I still shove them on my finger anyway. Even my sexy shoes are now hard to get into! I heard that pregnancy can make you go up a shoe size, but I was really, really hoping that wouldn't happen to me as my feet are already gargantuan for my 5'2" height. To go up from what I already am would be reaching clown-like proportions.

But lest you think this is a litany of complaints, it's really not. Despite all of these annoyances, I STILL think it's all worth it. I STILL love being pregnant. And I STILL think this baby is a wonderful blessing. I'm just amused at how utterly naive I once was about pregnancy, that's all.

On a different note, here are a few shots from a baby shower I hosted for my friend, Lyn, this weekend. Our due dates are 3 weeks apart, but unfortunately she's moving to Boston in a few days so we won't actually be together when our babies are born. It's been so much fun experiencing pregnancy with another first time mama.


Anonymous said...

Aw Cicely you still look so pretty, actually, really cute with your belly =]

-Little Sis