Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cherry Blossoms

You can tell it's spring in Japan when you look around and all the cherry blossoms, or sakura, are in bloom. Mike left yesterday morning for a 10 day work trip, so I decided to spend my Saturday morning browsing at an Oriental furniture sale. While I was there, I ran into my friend, Maritza, and her husband, Jeff. They invited me to join them to go see a cherry blossom festival at a nearby temple and I happily accepted their invitation. Here are a few pictures from our afternoon of admiring cherry blossoms.

The little street leading into the temple.

The temple is right by a little lake where people were having picnics and even napping.


Bill said...

I knew it was Cherry Blossom time in DC, but I had no clue Japan even had Cherry Blossoms! See, your blog is giving me a cultural education. The pictures are lovely. How beautiful!

Glad you are able to find a little fun with your hubby away!