Saturday, March 1, 2008

Alternative Lifestyle???????

Well, not exactly....maybe more like a 'healthy lifestyle'. Cicely has me on a strict low sodium diet that even includes portion control! It must be working, because my BP was 138/86 today - about 50 points lower then when I left Ft Jackson. What would I do without her?


Bill said...

You are eating like a king over there! Thank God for Cicely.

kenabub said...

Whats up bro-

Hey good to hear your BP is heading south. Cicely, you better keep Mike on the straight and narrorw with that diet.

You aren't missing a whole lot over here. We've been stranded for the last few days due to a dust storm. Kuwait sucks, there is literally nothing but the USO and MWR for entertainment, and there are only so many movies one can watch before it gets retarded.

Anyway, we're about to pack out for a bit. Catch ya later.

Anonymous said...

Wow... how long can you go without eating a big, juicy burger?

-Little Sister