Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cleaning Day

I couldn't stand the mess any longer. I was starting to get mini panic attacks at the state of my house. So today was cleaning day. And I had a wonderful little helper who insisted on doing everything I did. I let her, too, because it's mostly her mess anyway.

Now I'm going to sit on the sofa and just look at my clean living room for a bit before I head to bed. I need to enjoy it while I can because I know this state of cleanliness won't last long. My little helper did a good job cleaning, but she does an even better job messing.

Grace even multi-tasked and took care of her baby while vacuuming. Then she told me, "It's hard taking care of my baby and cleaning." Tell me about it!


Meagan said...

Those pictures are just too sweet!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sits to admire my housework. :)