Thursday, June 19, 2008

Raisin Nut Bran at Midnight...and other weird cravings

One of the things I've noticed about being pregnant is that when I get hungry, I am HUUUNGRY. And it isn't a gradual feeling either. Not one of those, hmmm, I think I can eat, but I NEED TO EAT RIGHT THIS SECOND. Sometimes it even happens when I'm feeling extremely nauseous, so during those times, I eat with dread because I know it's only a matter of minutes before I see the food again. I've become extremely skilled at figuring out which foods aren't so bad coming back up.

Last night, I was in bed when a hunger pain struck. It was nearly midnight, but I kicked Mike out of bed anyway and sent him to the kitchen to fetch me a bowl of Raisin Nut Bran. It was delicious and hit the spot. And, miraculously, it stayed in my stomach!

Here is a list of some of the things I currently "crave": Raisin Nut Bran, chocolate milk (only at night), Subway's meatball sub on wheat, Chick-fil-A sandwich (out of luck on this one since there are no Chick-fil-A's in Japan), lime jello, apples (although I've sworn this off until the morning sickness goes away....apples- not so nice coming back up), cherries, canteloupe, and pineapple.


Bill said...

Here is a list of things I usually craved: McDonald's Quarter Pounders, Krispy Kreme donuts, Milkshakes and Bread loaded with butter. But, that is why you will be the cutest little pregnant lady ever and I am huge!

Satisfy those healthy-ish cravings girl! Even if you have to send Mike out the store at midnight.