Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Holiday Recap, Part 1

The whirlwind that was Christmas season is just about over and I finally have a few minutes to update the blog. Here are a few highlights from the holidays...

A week before Christmas, we visited a Japanese orphanage to help Santa pass out Christmas presents.

A few of the kids were really into Mike's hair, or lack thereof...

...and totally amazed at the size of his ring!

Afterwards, we went outside to play. I tried to jumprope with the little girls, but I was so bad at it that they asked me to step out and just twirl the rope.

Apparently, I wasn't very good at that either because I was eventually relinquished of my rope-twirling duty as well...

We even had a Toys for Tots Marine with us and the kids were just fascinated by him!

We all had a great time and it was a great way to kick off the Christmas season.


Bill said...

Your post just gave me chills! The pictures are priceless. I know it was everything you could do to not leave with a few of those kids!

You might want to brush up on your jump roping skills though before you have your own! :-)

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Yeah michael does have huge fingers.... but i can teach you to jump rope cicely! I was the champion in first grade =] im glad you guys had a great christmas!

Love, Megan