Monday, December 17, 2007

Party Time

The holiday season and all the parties that come with it are in full swing. Saturday night was Mike's Christmas party for work. I was looking forward to it because I thought I'd be able to do some long-awaited dancing. Unfortunately, my dance partner sprained his ankle the evening before when he tripped trying to get on a train. We did manage to dance (hobble) our way through a slow song though. I was also worried about my dress. I wore the same dress as last year since I figured this was a new crowd, but I was really, really worried that it wouldn't fit. I managed to zip it up, just barely. But despite my handicapped dance partner and my too-tight dress, I wound up having a good time.

Mike with the guys

Me with Kazumi


Bill said...

You look as pretty this year as you did last year! Thankfully, I look much, much better this year! :-)

The pics look great. Believe it or not, we missed having a Navy Christmas party this year!