Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Finally...some sushi for Carl!

Carl is such a huge sushi fan and I think one of the driving reasons to visit us in Japan was to try out some true, authentic Japanese sushi. He's been here for two weeks and I just now took him out for his first sushi outing. I know, I know...I'm a horrible sister! It wasn't intentional though- we just somehow never got around to it until today. We went to a nice sushi place in the Daei mall, near the base. Even though I'm not a big sushi fan, I still found a couple things to eat. And it helped that this particular sushi place had an English translation of their menu--very, very helpful. Some Japanese restaurants have picture menus for the non-Japanese speaking folks, but sometimes I just need to know exactly WHAT it is. It may look delectable in the picture, but who knows what I'll be actually eating?

Carl enjoyed his sushi experience. When I asked him if it was any better than what he gets back home, he said, "It's pretty much the same." Go figure! And that's spoken by a true sushi connoisseur.