Sunday, July 22, 2007

Conquering Fuji-san! (a.k.a. Mt Fuji)

Legend has it that if you go to Japan, and don't climb Mt Fuji, you'll eventually be back to Japan. Since now is the time to enjoy the most out of my time here, I figure I'd check off that block sooner then later!

These two pics show the view from the 5th station, or the starting point of the climb. As you can see, once you're at the starting point, you're already above clouds. The view up looks as if there's not much mountain left to climb. Trust me, there's plenty of mountain left. Plenty.

Here Cicely and I are before I started the climb. The stick I'm holding is the obligatory Fuji walking stick, which will be stamped at each station along the climb, denoting how far you've made it up.

While I started the climb, Cicely and her brother, Carl (visiting from the States) took a tour of the local Fuji area.

Here is the 6th Station. It's about an hour from the 5th Station (the beginning of the hike) and the first place to get a stamp on the stick - and more importantly, a well needed rest while waiting in line. This is where the first inklings of a lack of oxygen start to hit you.

Here is the first [of many] stamps getting burned into my stick.

At this point, the hike got exponentially more difficult. It may be hard to tell from the picture, so you may have to click on and enlarge it. The trail became a jagged, hand piercing, ankle twisting old lava flow - almost coral like. The vertical aspect of the climb also became much more pronounced.

And the air just kept getting thinner...

You know what they say if you're afraid of heights..."just don't look down" ;o)

FINALLY!!! After six and a half hours, I made it to the summit - FYI, it was freezing! Luckily, they had a little ramen place where I was able to get a piping hot bowl of noodles. Then I passed out for an hour or so after lunch - whether on a ship, or on the top of a mountain, I'll take a nooner anywhere, anytime!

Time to head back down...

...almost looks like oblivion, doesn't it???

Take note of the awesome tan line on my face. I didn't bother using sunscreen, or a hat. Although the sun is a bazillion miles away, that extra two miles closer I got by getting to the top of the mountain apparently made all the difference in the world when it came to UV rays. Not only are my leg muscles sore, but they are sunburned as well - I've never been burned on my legs until now. The combination of both types of pain at once is something you just have to experience for yourself to get an appreciation for it.

Now that I've checked this block on life's 'things to do' list, I must yet again refer to an old Japanese saying; "A wise man climbs Mt Fuji...once."


The Mulleavys said...

Wow!! I'm impressed!! I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see the pictures!

Bill said...

I am with Gail..I needed to see this to believe it. Your pictures will be the closest I ever get to the top so thanks for sharing! We still miss y'all - can you believe that???