Monday, November 26, 2007

Singapore Thanksgiving

For those of you who faithfully keep up with our blog, we apologize for the lack of updates lately. Truthfully, we hit a lull in our traveling and exploring because Mike's been out of town for various conferences and such the last few weeks. But boy, did we make up for it with our Thanksgiving trip to Singapore. We spent 5 glorious days there and I loved every minute! Here are some pictures to give you a taste of what it was like...

The historic Raffles Hotel.

Mike with the Raffles doorman who was accurately described as 'intimidating, yet friendly'.

This is inside the Raffles Bar where Singapore's signature drink, the Singapore Sling, originated.

And here are a couple of statues of the guy who founded Singapore, Sir Stamford Raffles.

This is the entrance to Little India, the place I was most excited to visit because it sounded so different from the typical Chinatown. It did not disappoint. I could have spent hours just looking at the beautiful and intricate saris and sarongs that were on display in all the different shops.

We met up with a few friends for lunch at a little Indian eatery where 8 Singapore dollars ($5 US) fed 5 adults.

There was also an Arab Street with a mosque and of course, streets of shopping.

Before Thanksgiving dinner, we even got a little beach time on Sentosa Island. We got to the island by cable car and spent a couple hours on the secluded little beach.

Then for Thanksgiving dinner, we headed over to the French's house for some turducken. For those who are unfamiliar with that particular delicacy, it is a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken. Sounds a little odd, but truly delicious. Here's Bill, our host, carving the thing.

And here are all the people who enjoyed the turducken.

Our Singapore Thanksgiving was unique in many ways (I had never heard of a turducken until then). Our sweet Thanksgiving hostess, Keiko, said that I could come back to visit her anytime I wanted, and I just might take her up on that offer. I loved it there!


Bill said...

You two are certainly my travel mentors. I so admire that y'all stay so active, seeing and visiting so many cool things.

Your blog is truly taking me to places that I will probably never have the opportunity to visit. Thanks for sharing your lives with us!