Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Another Cracker Barrel Kind of Night

Because it was a rainy day and we were stuck inside, the highlight of my day was eating dinner at Cracker Barrel. I always seem to crave comfort food whenever it's dreary out.

I didn't even take any good pictures today, but I'll get in trouble with the grandparents if I don't post any, so here they are.

Trying to bust out.

Her gums must be super itchy because Grace's new thing is using me as a teether whenever she can. When she's tickled by something, she'll grab onto my shoulder and chomp down. When she's trying to get up, she'll pull up on me and bite my knee. I won't even start with the nursing.

If I don't give her the Pebbles hairdo, she pulls out her hairbow.

Getting into trouble under the end table.